About the Castaways

Welcome to the Dreadstorm Castaways - the Sky Pirate crew of the airship the Cetea. Lead by Captain Sven Cloudwrath, the Castaways have always been more keen on adventuring and exploring new skies than raiding other vessels, though they won't hesitate to do the latter if the opportunity presents itself.Their interest used to be mostly in finding lost Allag treasures that their talented engineers modified their beloved Cetea with. In recent moons, however, they have found themselves distracted from their original purpose. Several of the high ranking crew members have admitted to ties with the Garlean Empire, and with that nation now on its knees they feel a duty to aid in their struggle as a relief vessel. But a Sky Pirate doesn't unlearn their tricks, and with this duty also comes great opportunity.Interested? Stay awhile, and listen. Our Narrator has many tales to spin. Perhaps you'll even be in some of them.


Below are some possible hooks for the Castaways.The Unsung: The Cetea and its crew have a strong tie to the adventuring group known as The Unsung. Captain Cloudwrath briefly worked as a levemete for the Adventurer's Guild and was responsible for bringing the first iteration of the group together. People associated with the Unsung may find themselves on the ship quite often, and it is the most likely pool of people the Castaways recruit from. For more information on The Unsung, click here.The Crew: A Sky Pirate ship benefits from a wide variety of characters, from bridge crew to engineers to medical staff to basically anything you can think of that fits our themes. That said, we are not currently actively recruiting, so the best way to join in is by RPing with us via the Unsung mentioned above.Patronage: For the right amount of gil, the Castaways will take up a wide variety of jobs on the side. Smuggling is a common occurrence, and the hull almost always has some cargo that they’re hauling for some extra cash, but they will also take on adventuring jobs that may or may not always be 'above board'. Outside of slavery, which they will adamantly refuse to partake in, everything is negotiable for the right price.Passengers: For the right amount of gil, the Cetea will take on the occasional passenger.

The Articles

Not even Sky Pirates can go without rules entirely. In fact, Captain Cloudwrath runs a tight ship and values the input of his crew on important decisions. The Cetea’s Articles should give any potential new recruits a good idea on what the Castaways are about and what would be expected of them once they sign their name on the ledger.I. The Cetea herself is to have three full Shares of any Prize, to be used for provisions, repairs, and upgrades. The Captain has a right to Two full Shares, the Quartermaster and Chief Engineer one Share and one Half, The Surgeon, Pilot, Carpenter, Gunner and Boatswain, One Share and One Quarter. Every other Castaway will have one full Share. Concealing parts of a Prize shall result in a marooning of the individual.II. The fund of all payments under the Articles is the sum of what is gotten by the Flight, that is: No prey, no pay. Furthermore, every Castaway has equal title to the fresh provisions, water, and strong liquors, and may use them at pleasure, unless a scarcity makes it necessary, for the good of all, to vote a retrenchment.III. Upon Engagement with Prey, those Castaways of the fighting inclination shall refrain from the unnecessary killing of civilians. Dead Prey can only give up their Prize once, living Prey may come again with more. Many will opt to cooperate if given the opportunity, Good Quarters will generally be given when Craved. A Castaway shall obey the hierarchy in all respects during and leading up to an Engagement. Any who are found Meddling with Woman or Man, without their Consent, shall suffer present Death.IV. Proper Conduct is maintained at all times on the Cetea. Duties shall be done with the utmost care. There will be no drunkenness during or prior to a shift, especially not when it involves Engagement or a Watch. During off bells Castaways may partake in games, drinking, and other activities, but no gambling for gil is permitted. There will be no abuse against one another, be it from brawling, striking, drawing of weapons or other harassments. Quarrels are to be left on Land, by sword or pistol if need be. Thievery or the destruction of property shall be punished severely. After the bell of ten, the shared sleeping quarters shall be a place of rest. Any social activities shall be done above deck or in the mess.V. Every Castaway has a Vote on matters of importance. When a Vote is called and accepted by the Captain, all involved will be granted time to make their Case. All will abide by the majority.VI. A standard compensation is provided for maimed and mutilated Castaways, assuming no healing is possible or available to mend the hurt.VII. Upon making land, none shall leave the Cetea until she is put to readiness for her next Flight.VIII. Any who is found Guilty of breaking these Articles shall be punished in a manner the Captain and the Vote sees fit. Punishments may include death or marooning for severe Crimes against the Articles.

The Cetea

What The Cetea lacks in pomp and size, she makes up for with speed and the many (often experimental) modifications made to her engines and design. She is rumored to be impossible to tilt even in the heaviest of storms, and can house a medium-sized crew quite comfortably.We RP The Cetea in two locations. For the upper deck, we use The Protector airship in the Sea of Clouds (NW of the Camp Cloudtop Aetheryte, Balmung). For everything else we use the FC house, located in the Lavender Beds, Ward 7, Plot 12 on Balmung.Join us on a tour of the ship.

The Bridge

Where the engine is the heart of the ship, the bridge is its mind. This is where the bridge crew works to pilot and navigate The Cetea through the endless sea of clouds. People are only allowed on the bridge by invitation or duty. A communications officer is in contact with the rest of the ship at all times via linkpearl, with a pneumatic tubes system backup that goes straight to the captain.

On Deck

Special dampeners and other marvels of magitek engineering keep the deck a relatively secure place to be even during travel in high winds or storms. Only the engineers could tell you all the details about their systems, us regular crew just find comfort in knowing we can cloudfish even through the most harshest of winds (unless the lines break - our engineers haven't really had time to sort that particular issue out yet).

Mess Hall

Deep in the belly of the ship, The Cetea's cooks lead by an enigmatic chef who goes by the name of 'Cookie' work day and night to keep our bellies filled. Our quartermaster makes sure there is enough fresh food and water in the hull to last us through all but the longest (and most unexpected) voyages, complimented with what we can cloudfish or forage on the numerous sky islands. This is also where you get your daily ration of liquor, so understandably it's most people's favourite part of the ship.

State Room

The state room is a leftover from whoever owned The Cetea before the Dreadstorm Castaways, but its central location in the ship has made it a popular meeting room for crewmembers of all ranks. Only when the senior crew has some fancypants to entertain is the room off limits, but that hardly ever happens. It is also used to hold the Accords - a crew-wide meeting where important decisions are made.

Engine Room

The beating heart of The Cetea and the pride and joy of her engineering team. I could try and describe the wonders one might see here, but I'm afraid I lack the needed jargon to even begin to describe its wonders. Suffice it to say that without her, we would be going nowhere anytime soon.


To some, this is a place of indescribable wonders, to others, the place where all the junk that no one wants to buy finds its final resting place. Aside from the treasure-junk, it also serves the secondary purpose of being the brig. According to ancient but untraceable wisdom, showing trouble-makers what they're missing out on while they cool off in a cell is the perfect way to deter brawling and other uncouth behavior on board a ship.

Captain's Ready Room

The Ready Room is where most of the navigational work happens, and personal meetings with the captain are conducted. It is a large, open balcony kept comfortable by the wonders of engineering. Relatively speaking, of course. Most people still find the room a bit too windy for their liking.

Guest & Crew Quarters

On the rare occasion that The Cetea houses guests that are too self-important to sleep on deck, there is a guest room available. On any other occasion, crew members often claim these bunks themselves.

Captain’s Quarters

The captain's quarters are off-limits without an invitation, even though he's hardly ever in there anyway (he claims there is always some work that needs doing). Only on occasion does the captain lock himself up in that room for suns at a time. Usually when he comes out, there is some new dastardly plan cooked up that will, no doubt, lead to either riches or doom. Often both.


Part cargo hold, part tinkering room, all-round mysterious. No one truly seems to know what goes on in 'diagnostics'. More than one crew member has wandered off in this room, never to be seen again. Does it even exist?
Cognitive Danger Detected - stay out unless you have no other choice.

Sven Cloudwrath

Player & Creator: Djill
Captain of the Cetea. Married to Adra Cloudwrath. Served as the Unsung’s levemete, initially. A man whose laughter could shake mountains. Layered and complex, something of an enigma even to those who might know him well, at times.
》Masculine (he/him)
》Highlander Hyur
》Tanned skin
》Dark brown hair
》One sky blue eye
》The other, concealed

Blurb originally written by Fern for the Empire's Embers Carrd.
Art commissioned from Naimly Arts.

Adra Cloudwrath

Player: Fern (Created by Djill)
Chief Engineer of the Cetea airship. Married to Sven Cloudwrath. Stern, severe, and superior. Tends to respect proven skill. Was once thought dead until she returned and urged Sven to give up his role as the Unsung’s levemete in favour of resuming his former occupation as airship captain. Imperial loyalist.
》Chief Engineer
》Feminine (she/her)
》Pureblood (Garlean)
》Light skin
》Flaxen hair
》As tall as Sven

Blurb originally written by Fern for the Empire's Embers Carrd.

Charlette Bellamy

Player & Creator: Okrea
Chief medical officer of the Cetea and one of the crew's latest additions. Charlette is part of the Unsung, but has recently been voted in to join the crew during an Accord.
》Chief Medical Officer
》Feminine (she/her)
》Duskwight Elezen
》Grey/blue skin
》Dark green hair with yellow tips
》Ruby eyes

Blurb written by Djill. Art commissioned from BloodlineV.


Player & Creator: Okrea
The ornary Quartermaster of the Cetea makes sure that the coffers are always filled with gil and supplies. The captain's spending habits often infuriate her, and the two often come to (verbal) blows.
》Feminine (she/her)
》Highlander Hyur
》Light skin
》Brown hair
》Has a severe limp

Blurb originally written by Djill

Howling Mists

Player & Creator: Djill
Most of the Cetea's non-senior crew go by a nickname instead of their real name. Howling is therefor known as 'Buckle' among the crew, though there's a rumour that he's trying to get people to call him by a different nickname. He tends to speak his mind openly, for better or worse. He’s well-respected among the crew, and more than willing to stand up in defense of fellow crewmates.
》Jack of all trades
》Transmasc (he/him)
》Roegadyn, though often mistaken for a Hyur or Hyur/Roegadyn mix

Blurb written by Djill and Fern for the Empire's Embers Carrd.


Player & Creator: Fern
A little of Cillenne’s past has come up in conversation. They hail from Gridania. For reasons unknown, they left their life behind at a young age and were taken in by Sylphs, where they learnt illusory magicks. When the Sylphs summoned Ramuh, Cillenne fled. It was then that they met the Farsent and joined their number, helping the band (and Okhi’to’s squadron) stay hidden from prying eyes. They are playful, flirtatious, and surprisingly headstrong. Pacifist. Is in the process of joining the Crew though there has not yet been a Vote.
》Illusionist / Enchanter
》Non-binary (they/them)
》Pale skin
》Pale green hair
》Light green eyes

Blurb written by Djill and Fern for the Empire's Embers Carrd.

Imogen Lafontaine

Player & Creator: Imogen
Another recent addition to the Crew, and another member of the Unsung. Imogen originally hails from Ishgard and is interested in learning how to pilot an airship.
》Apprentice Pilot
》Feminine (she/her)
》Elezen and Hyur mix
》Crushed on by Spicer

Blurb written by Djill.

Other assorted personnel. These characters are written as NPCs and played by different players at different times. Most people on the Cetea go by nicknames instead of their real name.


》Non-binary (they/them)
A lalafell of unknown age and origin with a very thick yet obviously fake Ishgardian accent. Will grumble to themselves in an unknown language often, but makes delicious food and plenty of it. Seems to worship the colour blue (Sacred Blue!), talks about urinating a lot (Wee Wee!) and never stops talking about their favourite food, a crescent moon shaped bread-type thing they call Swart Saaand.

Mister Grief

》Security Officer
》Masculine (he/him)
Comes from Ul’dah. Has a wife who he adores deeply, and often speaks fondly of her. Generally has a no-nonsense attitude, but he has something of a soft spot for certain members of crew—and the Unsung.


A rough-looking lad with perpetually messy hair, a broken nose that set crooked, and a face covered in long, deep scars not from glancing blows—someone held him down and carved them. Or maybe he let them. One of them’s the mark of the Redbelly, branding him as one of their own despite his obvious defection (or expulsion). Has sticky fingers and if it’s not nailed down, he’ll try to steal it. It’s known that he steals from fellow Farsent as well, but they tolerate his impulses. He has recently joined the crew as Brigitte's apprentice.
》Apprentice Quartermaster / Thief
》Masculine (he/him)

The Pilots

Three of them, taking the helm in shifts.


The youngest goes by the nickname 'Spicer', a hyur barely out of his teens who's too shy to speak to anyone. He sometimes slipped into a Brume accent, but would deny Ishgardian origins just as passionately as Cookie claimed them.


The oldest on the other hand, 'Rubble', is a curmudgeon Elezen fella that only scoffs about the younglings and naps whenever he's not on shift. Rubble claims to be from Gridania, but says he's been in the air more than in the woods. He's developed a backache, and is glad when someone takes his shifts as sitting in the pilot seat hurts it.


The third is a stout Roegadyn woman that laughs almost as often and as loudly as Sven does. She goes by 'Falcon'. The ever cheerful Falcon says she's from Ul'dah, and that with a name like 'Diving Falcon', how could she end up as anything but an airship pilot? She and Rubble seem to have a mentor-student relationship, and she dotes on the old man like he was her cherished grandfather whenever his grump allows it.

The Engineers

They must be on board, as they communicate with the bridge about the status of the engines often, but they are not really seen in other places on board. Rumour has it there might be Garleans among them.

Blurbs originally written by Fern for the Empire's Embers Carrd.

Meetup on the Derelict

Amidst the vastness of the Sea of Clouds floats a huge derelict ship. No one knows where it came from or who it belongs to, but since its discovery many years ago it has become a hub for sky pirates and other explorers of the sky.Need some cargo sold? Looking for treasure maps, supplies, or even new crew? Chances are, you will find it on the Derelict. Come share a drink in the open air bar on the deck, and meet other like-minded people.

The Tale

There are as many tales about the Derelict as there are Sky Pirate crews that know of it, most of which almost too fanciful to be believed, not to mention contradictory. Here are the facts: the Derelict looks more like a sea vessel than any modern Eorzean or Garlean Sky Ship, and seems to be quite ancient. We don’t know how it maintains its position, what fuels it, who its crew was or what happened to them. Any expeditions into the depths of the ship, where we think the engines would be, have met with failure.No one dares lay claim to it. Some say it’s simply not worth the effort, others fear it curses any who try. Over the many Twelvemoons since its discovery it has become a meeting place instead, and some have even made it their home and work tirelessly to maintain it as best they can. Sky Pirate crews of any creed can come to this neutral place to eat, drink, and make merry with those that might be rival or foe any other time. It is here where alliances are made, and jobs distributed. Perhaps some might call it the sky’s very own Adventurer’s Guild.

The main currency on the Derelict is not gil though, nor is it ale or even information. Nay, what people cherish above all else are stories. Daring tales both true and false. As long as they entertain, they will give a crew the standing and respect they need to be included in the good hunts. Perhaps even enough for that treasure map, the one that shady lalafell with the eyepatch sold you, to actually be real.So come, join us on the Derelict and share your Tall Tale. Make it a good one, and you may be rewarded.OOC
The Derelict itself is an abandoned sky ship in an unspecified location in the sky, but in-game we use the ship in Wolves' Den Pier (where you PvP) as a stand-in.
We RP on the top deck, where a crew of NPCs serves drinks and food. This location is reachable by airship only, but the Unsung can always hitch a ride on the CETEA. We will be on Balmung unless otherwise specified.

Derelict Dame

Player & Creator: Djill
The Derelict Dame comes as close to being the captain of the Derelict as they come. She is a stern, mysterious woman with a love for stories and her pipe.
》'Captain' of the crew that lives on the Derelict
》Feminine (she/her)

Blurb written by Djill.

OOC Information

Hello and thank you for taking the time to look over this Carrd. We work closely with the Unsung and share many of the same moderators and players, so please feel free to join us over there for more OOC information.

Sven Cloudwrath

The airship the Cetea is Howling's home, and he considers the crew to be his new-found family. They know him as Buckle, as most of the Castaways go by code names.Buckle is young, energetic, and has made being useful so much a part of his personality that no one knows what his job description even is at this point. He's just Buckle, the Jack Of All Trades on board who helps when and where he can. He might be mopping the deck in the morn, only to end up in an officer meeting in the eve. The crew has long since stopped questioning it, and he's considered friendly with, if not a part of, every major and minor faction on the ship.People come to Buckle if they want someone to mediate, act as social glue, or to get a difficult job done. It's rumoured that he's one of the few people who even get along with the engineering team, though even he is not allowed near the engines without supervision.

The Basics

NAME: Howling Mists AKA Buckle
JOB & AFFILIATION: Jack of all Trades on the Cetea airship. Has no strong affiliation with any of the subfactions or teams, but is generally considered to be part of the support crew.
AGE: Early twenties
RACE: Roegadyn, but is often mistaken for a Hyur or Hyur/Roegadyn mixture
GENDER: TransMasc
SERVER: Goblin/Crystal


GENERAL: Buckle is a Roegadyn with slightly red-tinted tanned skin and light-brown eyes. He has black and blue hair and a scar on his left cheek that has been tattooed over in black. Some might recognize the mark as a slave's brand, suggesting a more difficult past than his carefree attitude suggests.TRANS: Buckle was AFAB but considers himself a man, and is referred to with he/him pronouns by the other Cetea crewmembers. Whether or not Buckle passes as a man and how a character may react to him if he doesn't is something I leave up to the player.

Themes & Hooks

SKY PIRATE: Buckle is a character written as part of an established Sky Pirate crew with a lust for adventure. The crew is his new-found family, so he will not easily be swayed to jump ship, but can be persuaded to join other crews temporarily for specific jobs. He's also a frequent visitor of The Derelict.DARK PAST: On the surface he is a social, friendly character suitable for lighthearted adventures and social RP. Deep down he is a former slave with all the trauma that comes with such a past.

OOC Information

IN-GAME Name: Howling Mists on Goblin
DISCORD: On request (in-game) or feel free to poke me if you saw this advert in a Discord server
TIME ZONE: Central Europe, 6 hours ahead of ET/EDT
MEDIUM: I prefer the first scene to be done in-game, to get a feel for the character and to see if they go well together.
After that I prefer to have on-going multi-paragraph RP on Discord with the occasional scene in-game.
ACTIVE: Due to other characters and real-life obligations, my time for Buckle is limited. If in-game RP is preferred any RP partners should know that I won't have time to play him daily or even weekly. This is why I prefer slower, more intricate Discord RP with only the occasional scene in-game.


MATURE: I RP with 21+ people only, and expect a certain level of OOC communication from long-term RP partners. In other words, please communicate, and let me know if you're having fun. I'll do the same.LORE ADHERENT: My stories and characters adhere to the lore as I understand it, though at times I will try to fill in the gaps with headcanon. Anything blatantly lore breaking or very implausible should be discussed beforehand. I do not consider Fantasia's as something my characters have access to and will not use them to have Buckle magically transition.WRITING STYLE: I prefer paragraph RP and don't often do well with quick-fire one-liners unless it's in a busy group event.
On Discord I often write multiple paragraphs, but it depends on the RP partner and the scene.

Howling Mists

The airship the Cetea is Howling's home, and he considers the crew to be his new-found family. They know him as Buckle, as most of the Castaways go by code names.Buckle is young, energetic, and has made being useful so much a part of his personality that no one knows what his job description even is at this point. He's just Buckle, the Jack Of All Trades on board who helps when and where he can. He might be mopping the deck in the morn, only to end up in an officer meeting in the eve. The crew has long since stopped questioning it, and he's considered friendly with, if not a part of, every major and minor faction on the ship.People come to Buckle if they want someone to mediate, act as social glue, or to get a difficult job done. It's rumoured that he's one of the few people who even get along with the engineering team, though even he is not allowed near the engines without supervision.

The Basics

NAME: Howling Mists AKA Buckle
JOB & AFFILIATION: Jack of all Trades on the Cetea airship. Has no strong affiliation with any of the subfactions or teams, but is generally considered to be part of the support crew.
AGE: Early twenties RACE: Roegadyn, but is often mistaken for a Hyur or Hyur/Roegadyn mixture GENDER: TransMasc SERVER: Goblin/Crystal PLAYER: Djill


GENERAL: Buckle is a Roegadyn with slightly red-tinted tanned skin and light-brown eyes. He has black and blue hair and a scar on his left cheek that has been tattooed over in black. Some might recognize the mark as a slave's brand, suggesting a more difficult past than his carefree attitude suggests.


Buckle was AFAB but considers himself a man, and is referred to with he/him pronouns by the other Cetea crewmembers.Whether or not Buckle passes as a man and how a character may react to him if he doesn't is something I leave up to the player, but here are some things to consider:
Binder: Buckle often but not always wears a binder to flatten his chest.
Build and voice: His voice is on the deeper side of the spectrum that is generally considered masculine. He's tall and muscular, more sinewy than burly (especially for a Roegadyn man).
Heritage: He is sometimes mistaken for a tall Hyur or Hyur/Roegadyn mixture. People are more likely to assume he's AMAB when they think this about his heritage. Those that know he's a full Roegadyn might think he's an exceptionally sinewy one, perhaps even lithe, or rightfully assume he wasn't AMAB.
Buckle doesn't correct people who think he is mixed race, but will correct them if they think he's a Hyur.

Themes & Hooks

SKY PIRATE: Buckle is a character written as part of an established Sky Pirate crew with a lust for adventure. The crew is his new-found family, so he will not easily be swayed to jump ship, but can be persuaded to join other crews temporarily for specific jobs. He's also a frequent visitor of The Derelict.GENDER IDENTITY: Being trans is a part of his character and shapes his personality and struggles in several ways. He might occasionally experience worse-than-usual dysphoria or perform his masculinity more awkwardly when he feels insecure. He's also not entirely sure about his sexuality and is not always comfortable getting undressed and/or frisky with people he doesn't know well. Some people may assume he's ace because of his apparent lack of interest, but in reality he just has more hurdles to jump than most and needs to be fully comfortable with someone before he feels safe enough to explore.Please let me know if any of the above might be triggering so I can downplay that part of him when appropriate.

Themes & Hooks

DARKER PAST: On the surface he is a social, friendly character suitable for lighthearted adventures and social RP. Deep down he is a former slave with all the trauma that comes with such a past, combined with former and current issues with his gender-identity. This will occasionally come to the surface.OTHER THINGS TO CONSIDER:The darker themes are not likely to be RP'd out in public any time soon, as I like them to have a certain gravitas. I don't usually enjoy RP that just follows the rule of cool blindly, is mean-spirited, or makes light of serious issues like addiction or serious mental problems. OOC transphobia can stay in the garbage where it belongs.

OOC Information

IN-GAME Name: Howling Mists on Goblin
DISCORD: On request (in-game) or feel free to poke me if you saw this advert in a Discord server
TIME ZONE: Central Europe, 6 hours ahead of ET/EDT
MEDIUM: I prefer the first scene to be done in-game, to get a feel for the character and to see if they go well together.
After that I prefer to have on-going multi-paragraph RP on Discord with the occasional scene in-game.
ACTIVE: Due to other characters and real-life obligations, my time for Buckle is limited. If in-game RP is preferred any RP partners should know that I won't have time to play him daily or even weekly. This is why I prefer slower, more intricate Discord RP with only the occasional scene in-game.


MATURE: I RP with 21+ people only, and expect a certain level of OOC communication from long-term RP partners. In other words, please communicate, and let me know if you're having fun. I'll do the same.LORE ADHERENT: My stories and characters adhere to the lore as I understand it, though at times I will try to fill in the gaps with headcanon. Anything blatantly lore breaking or very implausible should be discussed beforehand. I do not consider Fantasia's as something my characters have access to and will not use them to have Buckle magically transition.WRITING STYLE: I prefer paragraph RP and don't often do well with quick-fire one-liners unless it's in a busy group event.
On Discord I often write multiple paragraphs, but it depends on the RP partner and the scene.